Services to ignite nonprofit effectiveness
Strategic Plan Creation and Integration
We work with the board and executive director to create a process that engages
stakeholders in crafting a bold, attainable vision for your nonprofit's future. Through
consultation and hands-on assistance, we help integrate the plan into daily operations.
Capacity Assessment and Improvement
Understand your organization’s lifecycle stage, strengths and challenges and learn where investments in building capacity will yield the most valuable results. We facilitate your organization taking the Core Capacity Assessment Tool offered by TCC Group, help you interpret the results, and work with you to develop this new understanding into a strategic capacity building plan.
Board Development
Engage your board with consistent application of best practices in board management. We
partner with the Executive Director and Board Chair to provide assistance in establishing committees, strategizing their activity, and preparing agendas and materials that will improve the functionality of the committees and the board as a whole.
Board Recruitment and Retention
Identify, attract, and retain high quality board members through a systematic process of
recruitment. We help you engage stakeholder networks, target needed skill sets, identify
qualified candidates, and create an environment on the board that is conducive to successful recruitment and retention.
Community Engagement Strategies
Engage community members by inviting and listening to their thoughts and ideas. We design and execute a process that builds visibility and credibility for your mission. Surveys, focus groups, and "open space" events are tailored to your organization for maximum benefit.
Development Staff Hiring, Training and Retention
Craft the right job description for your organization’s next Director of Development, post it for maximum visibility, screen applicants to identify those best to interview, and hire a “best fit” for your organization’s needs and stage. Then, quickly get your newly-hired development professional up to speed for maximum impact while setting appropriate expectations and creating a positive environment for performance.
Fundraising Effectiveness Training
Realize the potential of your board, committees, and volunteers to give and get major gifts through training that removes barriers to engagement and puts fundraising tools into volunteers’ more willing hands. We analyze obstacles and skill levels and deliver training and consultation tailored to maximize volunteer fundraising effectiveness.
Major Gift Program Startup/Pipeline Development
Raise more money for mission with a major gift fundraising program that focuses attention on the 10 percent of donors who give 90 percent of funds. We help you establish a pipeline
of major gift prospects and create cultivation strategies that will lead to success in closing
major gifts.
Volunteer Management
Cultivate and utilize direct-service volunteers in your nonprofit without having to add staff to
manage them. We support and direct volunteer involvement in a way that capitalizes on
volunteers' skills, minimizes their frustration, and converts them into donors to your